Healthy with Jodi

Outside Allergies & cross reacting foods

    Environmental allergens/Cross-Reacting Foods

    I hear my clients or friends talk about the plants they are allergic to, what about the foods that we take in from those same plants and trees, do you consider those? It’s easy to feel the immediate effects of the blooming trees but not the delayed response of gluten or dairy allergy 2-5 days later.  

    When your immune System is low, the outside allergies present themselves quickly.  A food panel is more valuable and  important to your health then knowing what tree you are allergic too.  Let’s take a look at the inside of our bodies first and build those systems up so the outside environment has less of an affect on us.  

    Five categories of cross reaction and some of the key foods involved.
    This is not intended to represent all possible environmental allergens, or all possible cross-reacting foods. Instead, it is meant to provide you with examples of common pollen allergens and commonly cross-reacting foods.

    Environmental Allergen                  Cross-Reacting Foods
    1. alder tree pollen                               1. almonds, apples, celery, cherries, peaches, pears, parsley, hazelnuts

    2.grass pollen                                       2.melons, tomatoes, oranges

    3.mugwort weed pollen                    3.carrots, celery, coriander, fennel, parsley, bell peppers, hot peppers, sunflower seeds

    4.ragweed pollen                                 4.bananas, cantaloupe, cucumbers, zucchini, honeydew, watermelon, chamomile

    5.birch tree pollen                             5. almonds, apples, apricots, carrots, celery, cherries, coriander/cilantro, fennel, hazelnuts, kiwifruit, lychee fruit, nectarines, oranges, parsley, parsnips, peaches, pears, bell peppers, hot peppers, persimmons, plums/prunes, potaotes, soybeans, wheat

    Environment-food cross reactions can be as complicated or even more complicated to recognize as food allergies and food intolerances. On the environment side, they might be seasonal and only a problem during certain times of year. On the food side, they are likely to be year round, and may involve a half dozen or more foods. Blood work is strongly recommended to identify the cause of “allergy Symptoms”.

    For more information I can order the correc labs for you to get the answers you are looking for, just email, call or text me and we can set up a consultation.  If you would like more information on this article:

    Urinary tract Info and Suggested Natural healing approach

      Urinary tract Info:
      Commonly also call bladder infections. There is a disturbance in the bacterial flora that protects the urinary track and anabiotic’s lead to reoccurring infections.

      Doubling probiotics such as L. Acidophilus is highly recommended. At least 20 billion CFU’s. 50-100Billion CFU’s would be more beneficial and HIGHLY recommended.

      Acidity levels are too high in the body when the pH is disrupted there is fermentation of vaginal glycogen to lactic acid. Alkalinity is Key, must add more Green into the diet. ORGANIC EATING is SO Very IMPORTANT!!!

      Eliminating of dairy, yeast, and soy products are recommended to rebalance pH. Limiting grains, sugar, caffeine, and alcohol, and refined carbohydrates.
      At least 64 oz water a day. Decaffeinated tea counts as water. Eliminate food allergens. Allergy Blood work is your best Road map to gut and immune support and healing.  Blood Tests are available and easy!

      Recommended foods:
      Use healthy cooking oil such as olive oil (don’t heat olive oil) or coconut oil.
      Eat Less red meats and more lean meats such as fish, but no soy.
      High fiber foods include beans root vegetables such as yams or sweet potatoes and psyllium husk.
      Antioxidant rich foods including vegetables like bell peppers and squash.
      **Fruit in the morning including cranberries, blueberries,and cherries. If you’re going to drink juice make sure that it is unsweetened. Please eat your fruit, better for you unless you are juicing. Best for digestion if fruit is first thing in the morning and by itself or for your first snack, eaten alone.**

      Recommended Vitamins:
      Probiotics and digestive enzymes ALWAYS!! Double if taking antibiotics!
      Multi Vitamin
      Vit D: 2000-4000 IU
      Fish oils 1000mg and or Flax seed, 3x a day. Could go up to 6000mg
      Super Greens
      Amino Acids
      Vit C: 1000mg a day
      Grape seed oil 100-300mg
      Magnesium 200-300mg 3x a day
      Zinc: 30mg a day

      Recommended Botanicals:
      Aloe Vera: up to 32oz per day
      Gotu Kola is great extract tea to help balance pH. 60-120mg
      Uva Ursi ( upland cranberry or bearberry) is a powerful antiseptic herb.
      Dried leaves or tea: 1.5-4.0 (1-2 tsp)
      Goldenseal herb has antimicrobial agents. Dried root or tea: 1-2g

      Other herbs that are recommended: green tea, cats claw, milk thistle, and reishi mushroom.

      Ideas for Alternative Protein Sources

        Alternative Protein Sources

        Antioxidant Rich foods: EAT FROM THE RAINBOW!
        RED: Lycopene
        YELLOW/ORANGE: Beta Carotene & Beta Crytoxanthin
        BLUE/PURPLE: Anthocyanins
        GREEN: Chlorophyll

        Green foods have a high content of chlorophyll due to porphyrin rings.
        * Chlorophyll and heme units of red blood cells are virtually identical except the center molecule
        * Chlorophyll-magnesium
        * Heme-Iron
        * Heme units are the building blocks for red blood cells
        * Therefore, all green foods help the body to create new blood.

        How can I combat muscle fatigue?
        More GREEN foods create energy in the body! How do plants grow?
        They need sun, water, rest, minerals and vitamins, and time.

        Can help increase endurance and stamina
        Rich source of carotenoids and other valuable phyco-chemicals
        May reduce cravings and appetite
        Can help promote healthy cholesterol levels and cardiovascular function
        Spirulina has been widely regarded as nature`s most complete nutrient source. Organic Spirulina is a rich, whole-food source of vegetarian protein, chlorophyll, essential amino acids, antioxidants, and vitamins. It contains an abundant amount of phycocyanin, a unique, blue-green pigment that may support healthy immune function.

        Rich In Chlorophyll
        Chlorella contains up to 7% natural chlorophyll, the highest percentage of any known plant on earth. Plant chlorophyll is one of nature’s most powerful cleansing agents.
        Rich In Protein
        Chlorella contains about 60% protein that is high quality and easy to assimilate, as compared to rice, about 7% protein.
        Protein is essential to support the body’s tissues, metabolism and to build the immune system.
        Rich In Nucleic Acids
        Chlorella is ultra-rich in nucleic acids, key RNA and DNA factors that help protect every cell and raise energy levels.
        Rich In Chlorella Growth Factor (CGF)
        This famous key factor can help speed your body’s rejuvenation and restoration naturally.
        Rich in Vitamins, Minerals, Enzymes, Antioxidants
        Chlorella is packed full of naturally occurring nutrients, including the powerful antioxidant, lipoic acid. It is an excellent source of iron and vitamin B12, often deficient in older people. Chlorella has more B12 than liver!

        *How can I combat muscle fatigue?
        More GREEN foods create energy in the body! How do plants grow?
        They need sun, water, rest, minerals and vitamins, and time.
        There are two types of iron —
        Heme: found in animal foods
        Non-heme: Comes from plants.
        Heme iron (the kind from animals) is better absorbed than non-heme iron.
        Darker meat is better, more oxygen to the muscles leave the brown color, not fat content. Usually leg/rump cuts are best.

        Getting enough iron?
        Use Cast iron cookware…Easy!
        Good sources of iron are:
        Legumes: lentils, soybeans, tofu, tempeh, lima beans
        Grains: quinoa, black/brown rice, oatmeal
        Nuts and seeds: pumpkin, squash, pine, pistacio, sunflower, cashews, unhulled sesame
        Vegetables: swiss chard, collard greens, basil, broccoli, romaine lettuce, green beans
        blackstrap molasses, prune juice, cacao, chocolate, cinnamon, turmeric

        B12 Sources: Most fish, calf’s liver, eggs
        B6 Sources: Spinach and kale (don’t eat raw), bell peppers, garlic, broccoli, collard greens, Brussel sprouts, crimini musahrooms, celery
        ORAC= Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity

        Plant Protein, Amino Acids, Macronutrients & Antioxidants…what does it all mean?

          *How do we use food as medicine so we can fuel the body, heal and repair?
          Basic Weight management Strategies and Lifestyle Strategies
          1-Adequate ATP
          2-Nutrient Density-Organic Foods. **A MUST!!!**
          3-Balance-60-80% Alkalizing (pH Balance)
          4-Moderation-Limited Refined Sugar
          5-Calorie Control=Calorie Restriction
          6-Variety= Seasonal Eating VS Emotional Eating
          Refer to for my Sweet 16 Eating Healthy Guidelines and how to achieve balance.

          Muscle building with Plant Protein
          *How do you support a body on a plant based diet without eating meat?

          Earth is the ultimate prism. Every green plant captures a different wavelength of light and energy from the sun. A collection of juices from sea plants, field grasses and garden vegetables will alkalize your body, build up your blood, and cleanse your cells.

          What is a Carbohydrate? Fruit, vegetable, starch, grain, pasta
          What is a Protein? Animal meat, dairy
          What is a Fat? Nut, seed or oil

          How Much do we need daily? Age/Gender/Health History
          Carbs: Weight loss must be under 50g a day, aim for no more than 30g of carbs at a meal and 8g of sugars within those carbs. Think higher fiber foods.
          Protein: 1g per 1kg body weight (think about half your body weight)
          Fat: 25-30% daily calories can come from the pure sources of healthy fats.

          ***Ratios are different for everyone and Should be evaluated by a Certified Health Professional or Holistic Professional based on your health history.***

          What are Amino Acids? What do they do?
          Assists with the stabilization or recovery of muscle strength, endurance, and volume
          Helps keep body tissues firm
          Helps minimize body fat
          May support a weight loss regimen
          Aid in normalizing protein synthesis

          If the essential amino acids are not present in the daily diet the body will break down existing proteins in order to supply the body with the missing amino acids.

          Essential Amino Acids:
          Cannot be produced in our body and thus must be consumed in our diets. The essential amino acids humans cannot synthesize are:
          Phenylalanine, valine, threonine, tryptophan, methionine, leucine, isoleucine, lysine, and histidine. (Arginine is mostly required in young children and not as important as adults)

          Non-Essential Amino Acids: These can be synthesized by the body.
          Proteins drive ALL functions of the various organs of the human body.
          Alanine (from pyruvic acid)
          Arginine (from glutamic acid)
          Asparagine (from aspartic acid)
          Aspartic Acid (from oxaloacetic acid)
          Glutamic Acid (from oxoglutaric acid)
          Glutamine (from glutamic acid)
          Glycine (from serine and threonine)
          Proline (from glutamic acid)
          Serine (from glucose)
          Tyrosine (from phenylalanine)

          If you fail to obtain even just one out of the essential amino acids, your body’s proteins so not complete and the body is forced to steal from bones and elsewhere to create metabolic processes in your body. Also, unlike fats and carbohydrates, your body does not store excess supplies of amino acids for later use – you need a regular supply of them everyday.

          Foods with amino acids include animal and vegetable sources. Most of the animal sources such as meat, eggs and milk are considered to be “complete protein sources” meaning that these contain all the essential amino acids that your body needs.
          Vegetables are also good amino acid food sources but most of them do not usually contain all essential aminos.

          Amino Acid Deficiency and Supplementation
          Many people who are sick, fatigued, or trying weight loss programs, vegetarians or Vegans consume insufficient amounts of protein. Thus, supplementation of amino acids has been increasingly necessary. B6 and B12 are the most common of deficiencies when not consuming animal protein.

          Non Meat Forms of Amino Acids: Think SEA LIFE!
          *How can I combat muscle fatigue or just plain being tired all the time?
          More GREEN foods create energy in the body! How do plants grow? They need sun, water, rest, minerals and vitamins, and time.

          Antioxidant Rich foods: EAT FROM THE RAINBOW!
          RED: Lycopene
          YELLOW/ORANGE: Beta Carotene & Beta Crytoxanthin
          BLUE/PURPLE: Anthocyanins
          GREEN: Chlorophyll

          *Green foods have a high content of chlorophyll due to porphyrin rings.
          * Chlorophyll and heme units of red blood cells are virtually identical except the center molecule
          * Chlorophyll-magnesium
          * Heme-Iron
          * Heme units are the building blocks for red blood cells
          * Therefore, all green foods help the body to create new blood.

          Herb Vs. Spices

            Herb Vs. Spices
            The difference between the two is where they are obtained from a plant.

            Herbs come from the leafy and green part of the plant.
            Spices are parts of the plant other than the leafy bit such as the root, stem, bulb, bark or seeds.

            We often hear the term “herbs and spices”. As any amateur chef knows, herbs and spices are vital ingredients in many dishes. They add flavor, aroma, color, texture and even nutrients.

            Both spices and herbs are parts of plants (fresh or dried) that are used to enhance the flavor of foods. They’ve also been known to preserve foods, cure illness and enhance cosmetics.

            Herbs are usually grown in more temperate areas than spices and have great medicinal value and are also used in the preparation of cosmetic products.

            Spices are usually dried before being used to season foods. Unlike herbs, they are grown in more tropical countries. They’ve also been known to preserve foods and some have medicinal value, such as turmeric with its anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal properties.

            Despite the above clarification, according to the American Spice Trade Association, spices are defined as “any dried plant product used primarily for seasoning purposes”. This really broadens the definition of spices, allowing it to include herbs, dehydrated veggies, spice blends and spice seeds.

            Here are a few example of herbs and spices, along with their reported nutritional/health benefits.

            Spice Nutrition
            Lowers blood sugar levels, LDL (bad) cholesterol and triglycerides especially in people with type 2 diabetes

            Can stop nausea and may also relieve heartburn

            Have antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal and antiseptic properties; they are known for relieving flatulence and can actually help promote good digestion as well as metabolism

            Contains capsaicin which puts the heat in chilies, may lower the risk of skin and colon cancers, shown to suppress appetite and boost metabolism

            Mustard seeds
            Contain phytonutrient compounds that protect against cancers of the gastrointestinal tract; believed to reduce the severity of asthma

            Herb Nutrition
            Rich in Vitamin A and K. Assists with combatting bowel inflammation and rheumatoid arthritis

            Assists with inflammation

            Helps with digestion and asthma

            Protects against rheumatoid arthritis, antioxidant-rich, fights cancer, high in vitamin C and iron.

            Contains the oil, thymol, especially helpful for chest and respiratory problems, also acts as an antiseptic and disinfectant.

            Old Label vs. New labeling on food-FDA Announement

              Old vs New Label – What’s Different?
              While much of the new label’s look isn’t drastically different from the old label, the information and layout have been revamped. According to the FDA’s announcement, the most notable differences between the old and new label include:
              * Increasing the type size for “Calories,” “servings per container,” and the “Serving size” declaration, and bolding the number of calories and the “Serving size” declaration to highlight this information.
              * Requiring manufacturers to declare the actual amount, in addition to percent Daily Value of vitamin D, calcium, iron and potassium. (They can voluntarily declare the gram amount for other vitamins and minerals.)
              * Changing the footnote to better explain what percent Daily Value means. It will read: “*The % Daily Value tells you how much a nutrient in a serving of food contributes to a daily diet. 2,000 calories a day is used for general nutrition advice.”
              * Adding the “Added Sugars” declaration directly beneath the listing for “Total Sugars.”
              * Removing “Calories from Fat” because research shows the type of fat is more important than the amount.
              * Serving sizes must be based on amounts of foods and beverages that people are actually eating, not what they should be eating.

              Image source: U.S. Food and Drug Administration
              Now that you have a better understanding of the new label, let’s discuss some labeling strategies you can use to meet these label requirements without causing major disruptions to your business.
              Label Tips for Manufacturers
              Updating your labels can be a pain but with some planning, it can be a much easier process. Below are some suggestions to help you get started on your path to FDA label compliance:
              * Mask old info with cover-up labels: Also known as “block out labels,” this unique label material allows you the ability to completely cover up the old Nutrition Facts while continuing to use the last of your label inventory.
              * Embrace a new label look: Updating labels with the new Nutrition Facts can be the perfect opportunity to evaluate your current label design and try something new or make improvements.

              BMI, BF%, Waist to Hip Ratio for Males &Females

                BMI, BF%, Waist to Hip Ratio, Genders

                Ever wonder where you “should” be?  Here are some good guidelines for you to follow.  If you are looking to get “healthy”, whatever that means to you, I can help you with your starting measurements and design you an individual program based on your goals.

                BMI Classification

                Less than 18.5    Underweight
                18.5 to 24.9         Normal
                25 to 29.9            Overweight
                30 to 34.9            Obese
                35 to 39.9            Severe Obesity
                40 to 44.9           Morbid Obesity
                45 & up                Super Obesity
                Waist Circumference

                Increased Risk for Obesity Related Disease
                Male Greater Than 37 inches
                Female Greater Than 31.5 inches

                Substantially Increased Risk for Obesity Related Disease
                Male Greater Than 40.2 inches
                Female Greater Than 34.6 inches

                Extremely High Risk for Obesity Related Disease
                Male Greater Than 47.2 inches
                Female Greater Than 43.3 inches
                Waist to Hip Ratio

                Classification              Male                          Female

                Excellent                      Less than                  0.85 Less than 0.75
                Good                             0.85-0.90                 0.75-0.80
                Average                        0.90-0.95                 0.80-0.85
                Overweight                  0.95-1.00                  0.85-.090
                Obese                            Greater than 1.00   Greater than 0.90
                Body Fat %
                Classification                              Male             Female

                Minimum Essential Fat %       2-4%            10-12%
                Athletes                                       4-13%           12-20%
                Fitness                                         13-17%         20-24%
                Acceptable                                   17-25%        24-31%
                Obese                                            25% & Up   32% & Up

                Digestive enzymes are a Must especially if you don’t have a Gall Bladder

                  Digestive Enzymes
                  Panplex-2 Phase   Integrative Therapeutics
                  60 count $15.20     180 count $43.40

                  Are you functioning without a Gall Bladder?  Have you had it removed or any other parts missing due to surgery? Yes, you can live without them, but it hinders your health.  Each organ has a specific roll, and we MUST supplement to help our bodies do what it should naturally.  Especially as we age, we lose 50% HCL every decade, then lose the ability to make more the next decade of our lives.  This is one reason why it’s harder to loss weight as we get older.  Our body simply can’t do it without help.  This is a picture of a current client who started taking digestive enzymes and in a few short days she began to process the food she was eating.  No more “food babies” as I have heard it referred to as, the bloat and pain become so much less.

                  Panplex 2-Phase is a dual-action formula that provides support for both the gastric and intestinal phases of digestion.† This dual-phase supplement provides support for more complete digestion in both the stomach and intestinal tract. Panplex 2-Phase combines pancreatic enzymes with hydrochloric acid and pepsin for healthy digestion support.† Phase I gastric support includes hydrochloric acid and pepsin.† Phase II intestinal support includes pancreatin and bile salts in a delayed-release matrix designed to protect against deactivation of enzymes by stomach acids.

                  Servings Per Container: 90
                  Take 1 or 2 tablets three times daily with meals, or as recommended by your healthcare professional.
                  Do not chew. Not recommended for use if peptic ulcer, gastritis or heartburn is present.
                  Serving Size: 2 Tablets
                  Amount Per Serving
Betaine HCl … 320mg
Pepsin … 220mg 
L-Glutamic Acid HCl … 200mg
                  PHASE II
Pancreatin USP … 168mg    
(6X Concentrate)
Amylase (25, 200 USP units)
Protease (25, 200 USP units)
Lipase (2, 016 USP units)
Ox Bile Extract … 130mg

                  Other Ingredients: dicalcium phosphate, modified cellulose, stearic acid, calcium carbonate, cellulose, cottonseed oil, magnesium stearate, and silicon dioxide.
                  This Product Does Not Contain
-artificial coloring
-artificial flavoring
-dairy products
-this product contains natural ingredients; color variations are normal

                  Coconut Oil Toothpaste

                    Homemade Toothpaste

                    Equal parts of coconut oil and baking soda

                    You can add a bit of bentonite clay and whatever essential oils you like
                    (I used 2 drops lemon and 2 drops fennel)

                    Just melt the oil and add other ingredients. Then refrigerate.

                    Stir the jar every 5 minutes so it solidifies with ingredients evenly dispersed.

                    Gluten-free food labels under new FDA rules

                      Gluten-free food labels under new FDA rules

                      * The terms, “gluten free,” “no gluten,” “free of gluten” and “without gluten” can be used on labels of foods that meet the FDA gluten-free standard.
                      * No universal symbol will appear on packages to indicate that a food meets the FDA gluten-free standard. If a food company wants to indicate that a product meets the standard, it has to use one of the gluten-free terms.
                      * Certification seals from third parties, for example a seal from the Gluten Free Certification Organization, can continue to be used on labels. The FDA says it does not endorse or recommend any particular certification seal. Any food that uses a third party certification seal must meet the FDA labeling requirements at a minimum. Typically the standards for certification seals are stricter than the FDA requirements.
                      * The label format is left up to food makers; the FDA does not have a mandated design or any requirements for where the gluten-free label has to be placed.
                      * Food makers can continue to use the terms, “made with no gluten containing ingredients” and “not made with gluten containing ingredients.” If the terms are used in conjunction with a gluten-free label, the product must meet the FDA standard. If the terms are used without a gluten-free label, the FDA says, “consumers should not assume the food meets all FDA requirements.”
                      * Food makers can continue to use advisory statements such as, “Made in a factory that also processes wheat products” on a food that also has a gluten-free label. The FDA says it will need to “look at foods on a case by case basis to determine whether a specific advisory statement with a gluten-free claim would be misleading.” Any product with the advisory statement and gluten-free label would have to meet the FDA requirements.
                      * Naturally gluten-free foods can be labeled gluten free. This is a change from the proposed rules which would have prohibited the gluten-free label on inherently gluten-free foods including gluten-free grains and products like bottled water unless the label also said all foods of the same type were also gluten free. The final rule addresses concerns that some gluten-free grains, legumes and seeds have a high risk of cross-contamination. A gluten-free label on these kinds of products “provide the expectation that any gluten is less than 20 ppm,” the FDA says.
                      * Gluten-free labeling continues to be voluntary so even products that are gluten free may not be labeled as such. This is likely to come up most often with naturally gluten-free products with a low risk of cross-contamination, fruits and vegetables for example. The lack of a gluten-free label does not mean the food contains gluten.