Healthy with Jodi

Artichoke Hummus-great idea for those low in iron

    Artichoke Hummus

    Vegan, Gluten Free

    Happily Serves 6

    Arab cuisine


    2 Cups Garbanzo Beans

    1 Cup  Artichoke Hearts (save brine)

    Save 1/2 Cup of Brine from Artichokes

    1 Jalapeño

    Handful Parsley (about 1/4 Cup)

    2 Green Onions

    1 Garlic Clove or 1/2 TBSP Minced Garlic 

    1 tsp Minced Onion

    1 TBSP Himalayan Sea Salt

    2 TBSP Avocado  Oil

    2 TBSP Lemon Juice

    Soak and Cook Beans. If using Cans, rinse well.

    Add all ingredients to the food processor and blend until smooth. 

    You can use more or less Brine depending on the consistency you want.

    Creating Space. Eliminate negative and add positive, it’s not always related to food.

      How can you create more space in your life for positive energy?  We must eliminate and make space for it! Negative thoughts weigh us down, if you want a positive life you must create it, it doesn’t just happen. 

      Food is one way we can introduce good energy to our body.

      Meditation is powerful for healing and making space.

      Exercise and sweating are key to any cleansing of space and feeling lighter. 

      Holistic health is mind body spirit.

      Maybe just drinking out of glass and eliminating plastics is where you want to start.  Maybe you can start being “healthy” by updating your cooking to safe cookware that doesn’t emit toxins.  Maybe you can learn breathing techniques to help reduce stress and get healthier that way.  It just takes ONE action, and WE can BUILD on that!

      Call me and we can design a plan that makes sense in your life and doesn’t overwhelm you. Ceramic flat iron

      Ceramic cookware Cast iron cookware



      Uses and Benefits of Fennel Seeds

        Uses and Benefits of Fennel Seeds

        What is fennel and how do you prepare it?

        Fennel is crunchy and slightly sweet, adding a refreshing contribution to the ever popular Mediterranean cuisine. Most often associated with Italian cooking, be sure to add this to your selection of fresh vegetables from the autumn through early spring when it is readily available and at its best.

        Fennel is composed of a white or pale green bulb from which closely superimposed stalks are arranged. The stalks are topped with feathery green leaves near which flowers grow and produce fennel seeds. The bulb, stalk, leaves and seeds are all edible. Fennel belongs to the Umbellifereae family and is therefore closely related to parsley, carrots, dill and coriander.

        Good quality fennel will have bulbs that are clean, firm and solid, without signs of splitting, bruising or spotting. The bulbs should be whitish or pale green in color. The stalks should be relatively straight and closely superimposed around the bulb and should not splay out to the sides too much. Both the stalks and the leaves should be green in color. There should be no signs of flowering buds as this indicates that the vegetable is past maturity. Fresh fennel should have a fragrant aroma, smelling subtly of licorice or anise. Fennel is usually available from autumn through early spring.

        Store fresh fennel in the refrigerator crisper, where it should keep fresh for about four days. Yet, it is best to consume fennel soon after purchase since as it ages, it tends to gradually lose its flavor. While fresh fennel can be frozen after first being blanched, it seems to lose much of its flavor during this process. Dried fennel seeds should be stored in an airtight container in a cool and dry location where they will keep for about six months. Storing fennel seeds in the refrigerator will help to keep them fresher longer.

        Tips for Preparing Fennel

        The three different parts of fennel—the base, stalks and leaves—can all be used in cooking. Cut the stalks away from the bulb at the place where they meet. If you are not going to be using the intact bulb in a recipe, then first cut it in half, remove the base, and then rinse it with water before proceeding to cut it further. Fennel can be cut in a variety of sizes and shapes, depending upon the recipe and your personal preference. The best way to slice it is to do so vertically through the bulb. If your recipe requires chunked, diced or julienned fennel, it is best to first remove the harder core that resides in the center before cutting it. The stalks of the fennel can be used for soups, stocks and stews, while the leaves can be used as an herb seasoning.

        A Few Quick Serving Ideas

        • Sautéed fennel and onions make a wonderful side dish.
        • Combine sliced fennel with avocados, and oranges for a delightful salad.
        • Braised fennel is a wonderful complement to scallops.
        • Consider adding sliced fennel in addition to the traditional toppings of lettuce on your sandwiches.  (Lettuce wrapped preferably)
        • Top thinly sliced fennel with plain and mint leaves.
        • Fennel is a match made in Heaven when served with salmon and lemon.
        • Beets and Ground fennel seed is an excellent combination for potassium and digestion

        Gluten Free Penne Pasta made from Green Lentils-Meatless Meal Idea! High in Protein

          Brussel Sprout Penne Pasta
          Gluten Free, Vegan
          Happily Serves 2


          1 Cup Brussel Sprouts
          1 Cup Penne Pasta
          2 TBSP Olive oil or Avocado Oil
          2-3 TBSP Lemon Juice
          1-2 tsp Sea Salt
          1/8 Red Onion
          1 Garlic Clove
          1 Green Onion
          1 tsp Minced Onion

          Cut bottom core off, cut and quarter and wash Brussel sprouts well (they hide dirt well)
          Air fry 7 minutes or Bake 15 minutes.
          Cook Vegan Green Lentil Penne Pasta according to Package. You can cook it in Veggie broth or Bone broth for greater flavor and nutrients.
          Cook Red onion 5-7 minutes (this is easier on digestion)
          Add all ingredients together.
          You can serve warm or as a cold pasta

          Chick Pea Stuffed Tomatoes

            Chick Pea Stuffed Tomatoes

            Vegan, Gluten Free

            Happily Serves 2



            1 Cup Chick Peas (Garbanzo beans)

            2 TBSP Vegan Mayo

            1 TBSP Lemon Juice

            2 tsp Dill Weed

            1 tsp Sea Salt

            1 tsp Garlic

            1 tsp Minced Onion

            1/4 Cup Celery

            1/4 Cup Chopped Dill Pickles (or Relish)

            (You can sub cucumber if you don’t like pickles or watching sodium)

            Cut tomatoes in half.

            Remove the seeds, place in a small jar.  Add Lemon juice and sea salt and crack peppers.

            Chop Celery.

            Mix all ingredients together, Option to Stuff Tomato or Lettuce Wrap it!

            Tuna Fish made for Adults! Easy to assemble “kits” for meal prep

              Tuna Fish 

              Gluten Free, Dairy Free

              Happily serves 2

               American cuisine


              8 oz White Albacore Tuna

              2 TBSP Vegan Mayo

              1 TBSP Lemon Juice

              2 tsp Dill Weed

              1 tsp Sea Salt

              1 tsp Garlic

              1 tsp Minced Onion

              1/4 Cup Celery

              1/8-1/4 Cup Chopped Dill Pickles (or Relish) depends on your preference 

              Optional: Stuff Tomato with Tuna filling or Lettuce Wrap

              If you do use a tomato, Cut in half.

              Remove the seeds, place in a small jar.  Add Lemon juice and sea salt and crack peppers.

              Chop Celery

              If you are using canned Tuna, make sure it’s WILD!

              DO NOT DRAIN the liquid (omegas), mix in with the fish and other ingredients.

              Serve to your liking.  You can use celery to dip in it, add it to flax crackers, wrap in lettuce or stuff a tomato or pepper.

              Taco “Meat” for Vegans!

                Vegans like Tacos too!  Here is your option to enjoy the texture and all the flavor and spices you love! 


                Gluten Free

                Happily Serves 2


                2 Cups Jack Fruit

                1/2 Cup Jodi’s Homemade Ketchup (you can add more spice to make it more of a bbq flavor)  


                1/4-1/2 Cup Bone broth to slow cook or use vegetable stock

                Shred Jackfruit and slow cook in crock pot on low for 2 hours or heat on stove top.  Add BBQ or ketchup and desired spices.

                Serve in lettuce wraps or veggie stir fry for variety.

                Jodi’s Homemade Ketchup

                  Gluten Free, Vegan, Refined Sugar Free

                  Happily serves at least 8 (unless you’re me!)

                  ALL ORGANIC INGREDIENTS 

                  3 Cans Tomato paste

                  1/2 Cup Apple cider vinegar 

                  1 tsp Garlic powder 

                  1 TBSP Onion powder 

                  2 TBSP Coconut sugar or Monk fruit 

                  2 TBSP Blackstrap molasses 

                  1 tsp Himalayan sea salt

                  1 tsp Dried Mustard powder 

                  1/8 tsp of each: cinnamon, clove, all spice, cayenne 

                  1 Cup water 

                  Optional: 1 tsp Ground chia seed if you want to thicken it up

                  Place all ingredients in food processor and blend well.

                  Put in fridge to let leftovers meld together for 2 hours or overnight 

                  Mac and Cheese!! Tasty, Vegan and Gluten Free!

                    Mac and Cheese Cups
                    Vegan, Gluten Free
                    Happily Serves 2

                    Articles Avocado oil

                    ALL ORGANIC INGREDIENTS

                    4 oz dry Gluten Free Pasta
                    1/4 Cup Almond or Coconut Milk
                    1/4 tsp Sea salt
                    1 TBSP Nutritional Yeast (optional)
                    1/4 Cup Shredded Cheddar Cheese (SoDelicious brand)
                    1 TBSP Butter

                    Preheat oven to 400.
                    Spray a mini muffin or cupcake tin with coconut or avocado oil. Set aside
                    Cook Pasta according to instructions, drain completely.
                    Add all other ingredients to the pot with the drained pasta.
                    Cook over low heat, stirring continuously, until cheese melts.

                    Portion into the muffin tins and press each down.
                    Bake 20 minutes
                    The cups should set up without falling apart.
                    Let them cool at least 15 minutes before removing.



                    Mashed Potatoes? YES PLEASE!!

                      Cauliflower Mashed “Potatoes”
                      Vegan, Gluten Free
                      Happily serves 2-4
                      food processormicrowaveoil
                      ALL ORGANIC INGREDIENTS

                      2 Cups Cauliflower
                      1/4-1/2 Cup Almond Milk
                      1/4 Cup Butter or Avocado oil
                      1/4-1/2 Cup Coconut Cheese
                      1/2 TBSP Sea Salt
                      1 tsp Minced onion or 1/8 cup Fresh onion
                      1 Garlic Clove
                      Optional: IF you don’t have fresh herbs you can use dried spices
                      2 Sage Leaves
                      2 Basil Leaves

                      Chop cauliflower, or use “riced” instead, it’s easier and faster. Steam/cook/cauliflower 7-10 minutes.
                      Room temperature butter or soften on the stove (not microwave)
                      Add ingredients to the food processor and blend until smooth.

                      You can adjust the milk and cheese to the consistency you like. You can use coconut milk but it changes the texture when it gets cold.

                      I used the So Delicious brand cheese so it remains dairy free.