Healthy with Jodi

Pumpkin Apple Chia Coconut Yogurt

    Vegan, Gluten Free

    Happily Serves 6-8


    20 oz Vanilla Coconut yogurt

    1 Cup Pumpkin Purée

    1/2 Cup Apricot Apple sauce

    1 tsp Cinnamon 

    3 TBSP Chia Seed

    Mix and let sit overnight for the seeds to “Gel”.

    Serve as a dip or as your first meal or snack in the morning.


    Sprinkle with Edible flowers or 1 TBSP Sunflower seeds.

    Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups

      Gluten Free, Vegan

      Happily serves 18-36 


      Peanut butter Layer:

      16 oz jar Crunchy Peanut Butter

      1 Chia Egg

      1/4 Cup Coconut Brown Sugar

      1/2 Cup Monk Fruit

      Chocolate NutButter Layer:

      16 oz jar Chocolate NutButter

      1 Chia Egg

      1/4 Cup Coconut Brown Sugar

      1/2 Cup Monk Fruit

      To make an egg replacer:

      1 TBSP Ground chia seed or flax seed to 3 TBSP water, mix and let sit a few minutes.  If it sits too long, it will be hard to mix into the batter.  

      Mix the nut butter and sugar together then make the egg replacer and add it in.

      This is essentially 2 batches of cookies.  

      You can do one or the other or combine them for a “Reece’s” Cup affect.

      Make each batch separately.  You can roll into balls and bake for 8 mins on 350. 

      I do not cook mine since there is not an egg in the recipe, you can eat these raw.

      You can use individual cups as pictured or make in a mini muffin tin for portion control 

      Summer Sweet Pepper Quinoa Salad

        Gluten Free, Vegan

        Happily Serves 2


        1 Red Bell Pepper

        1 Yellow Bell Pepper

        1 Cup Chick Peas

        1/2 Cup Quinoa + (1 Cup Bone/veggie Broth to cook Quinoa)

        1 Green Onion

        1 Garlic Clove

        1 handful Cilantro 

        2 TBSP Avocado Oil

        2 TBSP Lemon Juice

        1-2 tsp Sea Salt

        Rinse Quinoa. Cook according to Package.   I use 1:1 ratio and cook about 10 minutes so it’s not “mushy” and still has a crunchy texture.

        Rinse beans if you are using canned.

        Cut garlic, let sit 5-10 minutes 

        Wash, cut onion, cilantro, and bell peppers.

        Toss all ingredients together, eat chilled.  

        Sunflower Butterbean Seed Dip

          Vegan, Gluten Free

          Happily serves 4


          2 Cups Butter beans

          1 Cup Roasted White Carrots

          1/2 Cup Coconut Milk

          1/4 Cup Sunflower oil

          1/4 Cup Sunflower Seeds

          2 tsp Sea Salt

          1/8 Cup Lemon Juice

          Roast Carrots NO longer than 7, takes about 5 minutes in the air fryer.

          Place carrots in the food processor with oil and milk. Blend well

          Add beans, lemon juice and salt.  Blend well.

          Add Sunflower seeds, blend until desired texture achieved.

          Sweet Macadamia & Pumpkin Seed Dip

            Vegan, Gluten Free 

            Happily serves 16 (2 TBSP is a serving)


            1 Cup Purple and/or Orange Carrots

            1 Cup Macadamia nuts

            3/4 Cup Pumpkin Seeds

            1/4 Cut MTC oil 

            1 tsp Cinnamon or pumpkin spice

            1 tsp Sea Salt


            1 TBSP Monk Fruit or stevia 

            Cop and dice carrots, cook/steam for 7 minutes.

            Blend Macadamia nuts and pumpkin seeds in the flood processor. 

            Add all the ingredients in with the nuts, pulse together. 

            Blend to desired consistency. 

            The more you blend, it will become “butter like”.

            To add variety, you can add 2 cups of butter beans to make a hummus.

            Macadamia Nut Dip

              Vegan, Gluten Free, Grain free

              Happily serves 4


              1 Cup Yellow and/or white carrots

              1 Cup Macadamia nuts

              1/2 Cup MTC oil

              1 tsp Pumpkin pie spice

              1 tsp Sea Salt


              1 TBSP Monk Fruit

              Blend Macadamia nuts in the flood processor. 

              Chop and dice carrots, cook/steam for 7 minutes.

              Add all the ingredients in with the nuts, pulse together. 

              Blend to desired consistency. The more you blend, it will become “butter like”.

              Retreat? YES PLEASE!

                What do you think of when you hear the word Retreat?  Expensive vacation? Yoga? Private beach? I could never do that?  What’s the catch?

                Well…let me explain what it means to me.  My lifelong friend and business partner share the same philosophy on how a balanced retreat should be planned and carried out.  Life is about balance, it’s give and take, it’s movement and stillness, it’s health and wellness, it’s love and above all…should be FUN!  

                We have been collecting data and experience that we believe is valuable to our customers.  We want to deliver the very best vacation (retreat) so it leaves you refreshed and renewed, not needing a recovery day from being out of town.  We believe in giving our clients the tools they need to be able to go home equipped to handle whatever life throws at you!  We believe you should start each day with meditation and movement and PURPOSE!  We have designed our retreat to be experienced in the elements, where you can fully embrace the power of nature and what it can do for you!  We believe you need to get away sometimes to fully be present, or maybe to learn what being present means. Breathing in the air with intention, listening to your body when it whispers so you don’t have it eventually screaming at you.  

                We would love for you to join us in Maui for a health and wellness retreat.  We balance yoga, meditation, good local organic food, hiking, waterfalls and laying on the beach soaking up the sun and moon energy, and just taking to the time to create moments and memories you’ll never forget!  Sights, sounds, smells, and your feet in the sand and salt water…doesn’t get much better!

                Let us take care of you for the the week of October 12-18, 2019.  Be our Guest!

                Visit the website for reservations.  Feel free to reach out to Stanis or I if you have any questions.


                Quinoa Avocado Black Bean Salad

                  Vegan, Gluten Free

                  Happily Serves 4

                  ALL ORGANIC INGREDIENTS 

                  1 Cup cooked Quinoa 

                  1 Jalapeño 

                  1/4 Cup Red Onion

                  Handful Cilantro 

                  1 Cup Black Beans

                  1 Garlic Clove

                  1 Avocado 

                  Soak and Cook beans or rinse well if you are using them from a can.

                  Cook Quinoa according to desired texture. You can cook with bone broth to up the nutrients. 

                  Cut Garlic and let sit 5-10 minutes.

                  Thinly slice red onion.

                  Dice/chop cilantro.

                  Mix all ingredients, add the avocado in when you are ready to eat.

                  Cilantro Lemon Vinaigrette 

                  1/3 Cup Avocado Oil

                  1/4 Cup Lemon Juice

                  2 TBSP Water

                  2 tsp Garlic 

                  1/4 tsp Sea Salt

                  2 TBSP Coconut or Champagne Vinegar 

                  1 tsp Honey

                  Add all ingredients to a Vitamix or Bullet, blend well and store in fridge.

                  Summer “Cooking” Class

                    My massage therapist, Megan Almodova (Calm Blossom Massage) and I are teaming up to bring our clients together to stay actively engaged during the summer months. We know it gets “crazy”…but does that ever stop unless you learn management skills to learn balance in your life? Come and sit, visit, eat and learn how to turn an avocado into several delicious snacks and meal ideas.

                    Meal prep is NOT hard, it needs to be a priority on our ToDo list for the day or week. It requires time, learn how to manage time, therefore managing your budget and stress levels. It’s all connected! Take the first step…you know you’ll feel better.

                    Bring a Friend, the more the Merrier! Just make sure you RSVP so I can have enough food for everyone!

                    Meal time is always better when made and served with LOVE ❤️


                    Chocolate Hemp Bites

                      Chocolate Hemp Bites

                      Vegan, Gluten free

                      Happily serves 12

                      ALL ORGANIC INGREDIENTS 

                      1 Cup Dates 

                      1 Cup Sprouted Pumpkin seeds

                      3 TBSP Cacao powder 

                      3 TBSP Hemp seeds 

                      1/4 tsp Himalayan Sea salt

                      1.5 TBSP Sunflower butter (or sub any other nut butter)

                      1/2 TBSP Coconut oil


                      1 tsp Stevia or monk fruit 

                      Soak the dates in water, about 1-4 hours.  Remove the pits.

                      Store coconut oil at room temperature.

                      Mix dates in a food processor until a ball forms. Remove and set aside.

                      Add pumpkin seeds to the food processor, pulse into a fine meal. 

                      Add cacao, hemp seeds and sea salt. 

                      Pulse a few more times to combine. (Don’t overmix or it will turn into butter.)

                      Add the dates back in. 

                      Add the sunflower butter and melted coconut oil, mix/pulse to combine. 

                      It should be a dough-like mixture. 

                      If it’s too wet, add a little more cacao powder or hemp seeds.

                      Optional to refrigerate for 10 minutes, or spoon out and form into balls. 

                      Press into a mini muffin tin for easy portion control.