Magnesium rich foods help relax nerves and muscles, build and strengthen bones, and keep your blood circulating smoothly.
How much Magnesium should you have daily?
400mg is the recommended RDA daily%
Therapeutic Range is 700-1100mg
Magnesium is water soluble, meaning it must be replaced daily.
Symptoms that may indicate you are magnesium deficient:
Muscle weakness, tremor, or spasm.
Elevated blood pressure
Balance blood sugar levels
2/3 of Magnesium is mostly found in our bones, 25% in our muscles, and the rest all other cell types and body fluids. Magnesium cannot be made in the body therefore we must get it through a healthy diet.
Magnesium (together with calcium) helps regulate nerve and muscle tone. In many nerve cells magnesium serves as a chemical gate blocker. As long as there is enough magnesium, calcium cannot rush into the nerve cells and activate the nerve. This helps keep the nerve relaxed.
If we have two little magnesium in the diet the gate blocking can fail and the nerve cells could become overly activated, sending too many signals to the muscles causing them to over contract. This explains how magnesium deficiency could trigger muscle tension, soreness, spasms, cramps and fatigue.
There are over 300 different enzymes that require magnesium in order to function and complete chemical processes in our body. It is involved in metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates and fats and helps our genes function properly. Some sources of fuel cannot be stored in our muscle cells unless there is adequate amounts of magnesium available. The metabolic roles of magnesium are so diverse it is difficult to find a system in the body that is not affected by magnesium deficiency.
Magnesium deficiency is also related to digestive problems and poor dietary intake. These problems include malabsorption, diarrhea, and ulcerative colitis. Many physical stresses can contribute to magnesium deficiency, including cold, stress, physical trauma, and surgery.
In the heart muscle, magnesium deficiency can result in arrhythmia, irregular contraction, and increased heart rate.
Because of magnesium’s role in the bone structure, the softening of weakening bone is also a symptom of magnesium deficiency.
High sources of foods containing magnesium:
Swiss chard, spinach, summer squash, pumpkin seeds, broccoli, green beans, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, salmon, black beans, quinoa.
Since magnesium is found in a water-soluble form, cooking and processing can be affected by blanching, steaming, or boiling and can result in a substantial loss of the mineral,up to 60%.
If you want to maximize your uptake and learn how to use food as medicine, call me and we will design a program just for you.
If you want to get started, here’s a link to a great local source for you.
If you want to add more magnesium in the form of body butter, here’s my favorite local trusted Source for the best body magnesium butter!