Healthy with Jodi

Need to stimulate your liver, turn up the heat and calm your adrenals? Try this Spicy Beet Shake!

    Spicy Beet Shake

    Vegan, Gluten free
    Happily serves 1


    8oz Coconut water or Coconut milk
    2 tbsp lemon juice
    Bunch of cilantro
    1 beet

    Dash turmeric
    1/4 tsp Cinnamon

    1 cup of microgreens
    Stevia to taste

    Blend all together in the vitamix.  Add ice if desired.

    If you need more of a keto shake, you can add a small avocado.

    *Supports liver detox and thyroid health.

    Green Matcha Maca Latte!

      Green Matcha Maca Latte
      Vegan, Gluten free
      Happily serves 1


      1/2 TBSP Maca powder
      1 tsp green matcha powder
      1 1/2 TBSP Hemp Seed
      8oz Coconut milk
      1/4 tsp Cinnamon

      Blend until smooth.
      I added 5 ice cubes to thicken it up, you can also serve over ice.
      Option would also be to heat all ingredients on the stove top for a hot drink.

      *Supports liver detox and the endocrine system.

      Protein Shake with real Collagen, Amino Acids, microgreens!

        My new Favorite shake! What do you do when you get a NutraBullet? Experiment!!! I am continually trying to find ways for my clients to incorporate Beets and Microgreens into their diet and I found a new combination. The flavors compliment each other and it’s pretty pink instead of green, which scares people for some reason.  I don’t understand why people drink blue Gatorade or lime green Scooby snack mixers but take a double look at my green smoothie made from actual food.

        Amaranth is a micro green high in vitamin C, E, K and provides immune support. These vitamins help improve eye health, and skin elasticity. Who doesn’t want that as we age?

        Fennel or sometimes called Anise, contains quercitin. This aids in digestion and helps reduce inflammation and helps prevent cancer. Also excellent source of Vitamin C, which is a major antioxidant. Great source of fiber, folate, and potassium.

        Cinnamon helps slow the glycemic response of sugar by 29% in the body which helps with stabilizing blood sugars. Especially great for diabetics.

        Collagen After the age of 35, our bodies stop making collagen. Which means we need to stimulate growth and replenish daily where we can. If you are unwilling to make #bone broth, then a powdered collagen is needed daily. We need collagen for strong bones (forget the milk!) We need it for joint health, for inflammation reduction and muscle repair due to the high amino acids content.

        Amino acids are the building blocks of immune system! Bet you thought I’d say muscles right? Yes, we need aminos to rebuild torn muscles but we need Aminos because they help the protein synthesis in our bodies. We need it for our Gut Health and brain Health. The more amino acids the more hormone regulation can occur in your body.
        Think of a chain link fence, it takes a lot of “Chains” and you don’t get to pick where the body uses it first. Whatever system is lowest in your body the amino acids convert and build to complete what your body is asking it to do. IF you want to build muscle then start with GUT Health!

        If you Want to learn more contact me and we can set up a nutrition counseling session consultation. 

        Know Your Farmer: Be confident they are organic, and that they are doing everything they can to provide good quality produce to our community.

        Vote with your dollars…spend money on health NOT health care!

        Thyroid Stimulating Smoothie

          Who couldn’t use a boost in Energy?  When you are trying to stimulate the Thyroid, you must nourish your liver and adrenals.  Below is a great combination to start your day, full of nutrients, good fats and fiber.  Great detox for your liver and calming to the adrenals.  Your mind will start to clear, your energy pick up, and you will start making better decisions as the brain fog disappears.

          Vegan, Gluten free
          Happily serves 1-2


          1 cup mixed micro greens
          1/4 cup lemon juice
          1 avocado
          1 stick celery
          1 beet or 1 carrot (if you won’t try a beet)
          1 cucumber
          1 bunch of micro green basil leaves
          1 tsp maca powder
          1 Cup Coconut milk

          1-2 oz Aloe Vera juice
          Sea salt to taste
          Optional: Stevia to taste

          Combine all ingredients in a vitamix/blender and blend until smooth. If you want a thinner consistency add ice and extra lemon juice.

          You can get full fast especially if you are not used to eating fiber.  Try to sip and enjoy, remembering that it takes about 20 minutes for your brain to catch up to your stomach that you are satisfied not FULL.

          I was able to drink half then when I was hungry again, my morning snack was the rest of it.  I was surprised that it kept well for a couple hours.

          You have to eat 60% more “big” veggies to equal these mighty micro sprouts!  I know its a switch for most to eat a plant based diet, so this is a perfect way to introduce a salad a day into your meal plan.  Plus the flavors are bold and so flavorful, you just might develop a taste for what food is really meant to taste like! 😋


            Let’s get creative with allergy results!  Here are a few ideas to build meals around the elimination of the foods you are intolerant to.  

            Most people struggle with ideas for lunches at the office.  If you wouldn’t send your child to school without a lunch, why are you any different? You know you are going to get hungry, so why not just plan to succeed.  Failure to plan is a recipe for temptation and poor decision making.

            I beleive in the importance of NOT using a microwave, it destroys so many nutrients.  You know you can tell when you are eating a nuked chicken breast instead of a grilled chicken breast, why do that to your veggies?  You can lose up to 50-85% of nutrients through, heat, light, air and water.  Every food or veggie has a different profile of how it is affected by one of those elements.  So doing what we can to preserve those precious nutrients are so important in our overall health.

            Vegan lunch options:

            1) Quinoa with Marinated Mushrooms, steamed Cabbage, Zucchini and yellow squash, garlic and onions in a Avocado Oil Vinegar sauce.

            2) Quinoa, Zucchini and yellow squash, steamed cabbage, garlic and onion in hemp seed oil.

            3) Steamed Cabbage, Sprouted Mung beans, Zucchini and yellow squash, avocado oil, season salt, Garlic and onion.

            4) Black Bean hummus, quinoa on a bed of romaine lettuce, sprinkled with red pepper flakes and spicy pumpkin seeds.

            5) Sprouted mung beans, steamed cabbage, Zucchini and yellow squash in a ginger Szechuan sauce.

            Breakfast meal prep: When avoiding dairy and eggs.

            1) Sweet Potato with cinnamon and sea salt. Blended with coconut cream and topped with coconut chips.

            2) Chocolate peanut butter date bar with dairy free chocolate chips.

            3) Chocolate Avocado mousse (mint optional)

            Lunch group options:

            Instead of bread, wrap chicken salad in lettuce.  Use avocado instead of mayo to keep it dairy free.  Use green onions, cilantro, celery, and parsley and sea salt.  Lemon juice will help the avocado stay fresh and give a tang to the recipe.

            And what’s even better, top most of these recipes with your favorite mix of Micro Greens and you have just amplified your nutrient content substantially.

            Jicama Hummus-New idea to disguise veggies and add flavor at the same time!

              Jicama Butter Bean Hummus
              Vegan, Gluten Free
              Happily serves 4-6


              2 Cups Butter Beans
              1 Cup jicama
              2 green onion stalks
              Handful of cilantro
              1 Jalapeño pepper
              1 red Chili pepper
              1 crushed garlic clove
              1/4 cup yellow onion
              Himalayan Sea Salt
              2 TBSP Avocado oil

              Dice veggies. Leave seeds in peppers for more flavor.
              Soak and dry beans. OR if you are doing canned beans, rinse them well.
              Blend all together in food processor, add Sea salt to taste.

              Brownies anyone? Dessert first please!!!

                Jodi’s Fudgy Black Bean Brownies
                Grain free, Refined sugar free, Dairy free, GF, Vegan
                Happily serves 12-15


                1 flax/chia egg (or 1 egg if you are not Vegan.)
                2 cups cooked Black beans
                One small avocado (or 1/2-3/4 Cup coconut oil)
                1 tablespoon vanilla extract
                1/2 cup coconut sugar
                2/3 cup raw cacao or carob
                1 teaspoon coconut oil
                1/4 teaspoon baking soda
                1/4 teaspoon baking powder
                Optional: 1/2 cup dairy free (vegan) chocolate chips

                Preheat oven to 350°.
                Grease an 8 x 8″ baking stone or mini muffin pan (spray coconut or avocado oil)
                Place flax egg, black beans, avocado or oil, vanilla and sugar and mix in the food processor until smooth.
                Add the Cacao, coconut oil, baking soda, baking powder and mix again until smooth.
                Batter needs to be stick to be fudgy if you want it thinner add a tablespoon or so of coconut milk.
                Fold in the chocolate chips spread in the pan and bake for about 20 minutes or until toothpick comes out clean.
                Cool completely.

                The food processor is best, blends and hides the consistency of the beans.
                Brownies are best cold.
                Can be stored in the fridge or frozen.
                Also tastes good raw, no need to bake if you are in a hurry.

                Sweet Potato Avocado Hemp Salad

                  Sweet Potato Avocado Hemp Salad
                  Gluten Free, Grain Free, Vegan, Dairy Free
                  Happily serves 4


                  1 Sweet potato
                  1 Avocado
                  2 TBSP Hemp seeds
                  2 TBSP Avocado oil
                  Himalayan Sea Salt to taste

                  Cook or Steam sweet potato for 7-15 mins, not longer. Cube or spirialize.
                  Diced avocado in skin, spoon out, add to sweet potato.
                  Add seeds and oil, and salt to desired taste.  Mix well.

                  Keep avocado pit in the bowl if you are making extra for leftovers to help keep the avocado green.

                  Keto Coffee-Dairy free friendly substitutions

                    Keto Coffee
                    Happily serves 1

                    ALL ORGANIC INGREDIENTS

                    8 oz Organic coffee or cold brew, or Green Tea
                    1 scoop collagen powder
                    1 TBSP MTC oil or coconut oil
                    1 TBSP Ghee
                    CInnamon, nutmeg, all spice (one or all!)
                    Optional: 1 scoop gelatin

                    Blend in a high powered blender or bullet. Enjoy! This is a meal!!!
                    Nutrient breakdown:

                    Peanut Butter Date Bites-Grain Free!

                      Peanut Butter Date Bites
                      Dairy Free, Gluten Free, Refined sugar free
                      Happy Serves 12

                      ALL ORGANIC INGREDIENTS

                      1 Jar (16oz) crunchy Peanut Butter or other nut butter
                      1 egg
                      2 cups soaked dates
                      1 tsp vanilla
                      Optional: Carob or chocolate chips

                      Remove pits from dates, soak in clean water for 1-4 hours.
                      Drain water. You can keep the water for sweetener or discard it.
                      Blend dates in food processor, add peanut butter and vanilla and egg. Blend well. Scoop into mini muffin tin or bar pan.
                      Bake 10-12 mins on 375.
                      Add chocolate chips after you take it out while cooling.