My massage therapist, Megan Almodova (Calm Blossom Massage) and I are teaming up to bring our clients together to stay actively engaged during the summer months. We know it gets “crazy”…but does that ever stop unless you learn management skills to learn balance in your life? Come and sit, visit, eat and learn how to turn an avocado into several delicious snacks and meal ideas.
Meal prep is NOT hard, it needs to be a priority on our ToDo list for the day or week. It requires time, learn how to manage time, therefore managing your budget and stress levels. It’s all connected! Take the first step…you know you’ll feel better.
Bring a Friend, the more the Merrier! Just make sure you RSVP so I can have enough food for everyone!
Meal time is always better when made and served with LOVE ❤️