Healthy with Jodi

Fresh Green Salad instead of fried onion casserole style.

    Fresh Green Bean Salad
    Gluten free, Vegan
    Happily Serves 8-10


    3 Cups fresh Green Beans
    1 Cup Kidney Beans
    1/2 Cup Parsley
    1 Garlic Clove
    2 TBSP Lemon Juice
    4 TBSP Olive Oil or Avocado Oil
    1 tsp Cumin
    1/4 tsp Himalayan Sea Salt
    2 Cups Mixed Micro Greens and/or Sprouts
    Cracked Pepper to taste
    Red Pepper Flakes

    Steam Green Beans until slightly tender. Cut into bite size pieces.
    Chop Parsley.
    Cut Garlic Clove, let sit 5 mins.
    Rinse and drain beans.
    Whisk lemon juice, garlic, cumin, salt and Peppers together and slowly whisk in oil.

    Serve at room temperature or cold.

    Spoon over salad or eat plain.