Healthy with Jodi

Fear and Purpose

    In order to stop symptoms, reverse disease, and stay on a path to overall health and wellness you need to have balance in three areas:

    Food and Nutrition

    Science and Nutrition

    Emotional balance (Soul health)

    I find that most people are missing pieces to one, two, or all three of these components and overlook the fact that having complete balance with all three is the key to whole health. It’s not just the right diet, or the perfect supplement, or the right labs. It’s also, the right mindset and emotional balance that leads to long-term heath and wellness.

    One of the main puzzle pieces to emotional balance, is the perspective people have when choosing to make change. And essentially, there are only two ways people make change: through fear or purpose.

    With FEAR, you are moving AWAY from an issue. Example, “I want to be out of debt.”

    With PURPOSE, you are intentionally moving TOWARDS what you want. Example, “I want to be financially free.”

    I have found that when clients realign their goals with purpose, they get better faster, with less effort, and with longer-term success.

    When you are in FEAR mode your emotions tend to circle around depression, anxiety, frustration, panic, and overwhelm.

    When you focus on PURPOSE, your emotions will show up as joy, happiness, enthusiasm, and gratitude.

    So, take a moment and reflect… In your journey of healing, how do you approach it?

    Is it from a point of FEAR?

    “I don’t want to get sick like my parents.”

    “I want my symptoms to stop.”

    “I’m afraid to make changes, because they might not work.”


    Or is it from the position of PURPOSE and intention?

    “I want to be healthy and set a good example for my children.”

    “I want to be whole and healed.”

    “I choose to make the changes necessary because I deserve health.”

    Though these may seem like small differences, they make enormous impact on healing and wellness. Not only do I see this every day with clients, there are numerous studies which solidify the success of this shift in perception.

    Reaching towards what you want (PURPOSE), rather than running away from what you don’t want (FEAR), is a key component in attaining your life goals surrounding health, financial, relationships, and personal happiness.

    Right now, take a moment to scan your most recent decisions about your life. Do you typically make choices based on fear or purpose? 

    Are you moving towards what you want or away from what you don’t? 

    When was the last time you advocated for yourself, purposely aligned your decisions with your goals, obtained what you really wanted, and then stayed on track to KEEP those successes?

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